Cardisio experts used proven lessons from medicine and state-of-the-art technical methods to create a unique and modern „early warning system“ for heart diseases:

Cardisiography produces a vector cardiogram (3D analysis of the heart’s electrical activity) within 4 minutes. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Supervised Machine Learning, and neural networks enable the CARDISIO ALGORITHM to optimize and continuously improve its accuracy. The Cardisio application processes more than 3.2 MILLION DATA POINTS per acquisition and instantly delivers a PDF REPORT with graphical representation and a clinical recommendation.

  • Signal Processing
  • Signal optimization
  • Automatic annotation
  • Parameter calculation
  • Statistical calculation
  • Neural network
  • Result


Mapping the spatial heterogeneity of coronary blood flow allows for the detection of clinically unremarkable resting ischemia. Regional differences in blood flow in individual areas of the myocardium, called microheterogeneities, were first described by Yipintsoi et al4 and have been confirmed by numerous studies using different methods and in various species5. A survey of local myocardial perfusion using 300-µm-resolution microspheres shows that about one-tenth of the areas receive less than 50% of the average flow (so-called low-flow areas) and another tenth receives more than 150% (high-flow areas). Blood flow within a given area can vary by a factor of 106. Loncar et al. showed that high-flow areas do not represent luxury perfusion, but that local flow actually reflects the perfusion needs of the surrounding tissue7. According to Austin et al, resting blood flow is determined by metabolic factors, whereas maximal flow depends on factors such as coronary pressure, diastolic length, and extraluminal tissue pressure.

For regions with lower coronary capacity (eg, coronary artery disease) increased susceptibility to ischemia, ie, hemodynamically relevant stenoses is given8. Regional differences in the duration of the cardiac action potential are associated with spatial heterogeneity of myocardial blood flow and can be determined by activation recovery intervals (ARIs) via unipolar electrograms using a neutral reference electrode.9 Cardiography is a noninvasive, examiner-independent, reproducible, rapid, practical, and cost-effective screening method for hemodynamic detection of relevant coronary stenoses at rest. The result is obtained via a computer-assisted infinitesimal, three-dimensional calculation of the excitation processes of the mammalian heart based on a specific algorithm in conjunction with a neural network correlated with the patient’s own blood and the specific spatial orientation of the myocardium in the dipole field as a function of time starting from a defined point Ɛ.10

Cardisiography (CSG) is a technique developed to quickly, accurately, and noninvasively detect pathological patterns indicative of heart disease. A user requires the following equipment:

  • A PC or laptop running the Windows 10 operating system or higher with access to the Internet in order to connect to the web service (Cardisio Cloud). The web service is a class 1 medical device according to MDD 93/42/ECG.
  • A data collector, incl. cable for electrodes (A suitable data collector (Cardisiograph) can be provided upon request. Cardisiographs meet the standards and guidelines according to EN 55032:2015 Class B, EN55024:2010+A1:2015, 47 CFR Part 15).
  • 5 fresh disposable electrodes for each application.

You can download the instructions for operation with further notes here.

Download: User Manual



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